The “perfect move” online course was developed by the moving workers. We, the moving workers, are health experts with more than 50 years of collective experience in the fields of sports, fitness, health management and physical flexibility.

All of this knowledge and experience comes together in this course. In addition, we also offer a complete concept for companies interested in a sustainable workplace health promotion program for the musculoskeletal system.

You can find out more about this on our website:

Links are optional and are not a component of what is included in the course

Very special thanks go out to our professional film team in Dortmund, Germany, to cameraman Christian Kalbhenn, to Dirk Mempel from C1-Media Produktion, and to graphic designer Jens Neubert for the creative animated videos.

Jens Lang

Hello! My name is Jens Lang, and I’ll be guiding you through the online course. After graduating as an educator in Physical Education from the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, I worked for 10 years in the field of promoting sports and motor skills for children and young persons. I entered the fitness and health industry as an independent consultant in 2009. In 2017, I began to develop a concept to help employees in companies attain greater flexibility and wellbeing. My most important specialist qualification is my education as a biokinematics trainer, which I completed in 2019. I look forward to bringing all of my knowledge and skills to bear in the “perfect move” course and the moving workers’ activities.

Manuela Schönbächler

Hello! I’m Manu from beautiful Switzerland. I am a movement educator, biokinematics trainer, biokinematics lecturer, and a choreographer. I have worked for over 30 years in various positions in the fitness and health industry. In 2018, together with the biokinematics therapists Ilona Kunzelmann and Dirk Ohlsen, I codeveloped the training course for qualifying biokinematics trainers. In the “perfect move” online course, I am responsible for the practical exercise units, and I am very much looking forward to providing long-distance instruction to the course participants.

Uwe Steingräber

Hello, I’m Uwe, a graduate of business administration and engineering. I have been operating the T1 health centers in Siegen and Burbach, Germany successfully for 23 years. The primary focuses of my work are occupational health management and occupational health promotion (BGM/BGF). I am also a guest lecturer at the University of Basel and a guest speaker at the German Sport University Cologne. I’m excited about applying my experience to this online course, and I look forward to supporting many of its participants along their path to greater flexibility and vitality.